Thursday, November 18, 2010


If you are requesting a signed copy, us the link below
2 Faced

Us doesn't just mean U

I think long and hard
about our long conversations.
You often speak like we are one.
But I sit in silence at your inappropriate bahavior
and wonder why I put up with it.

Because the one, is only U
U see things that are solely about U
I think about things that includes US 2
U feel that the world is against U
I fell the world supports U
U only think about me ,when it has to do with U
I always think about U
"Us" is a word that though it doesn't have an "I"
doesn't mean it should be controlled by "U"

So remember, without me, there would be no U


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Have you ever  emotionally been going thru something so painful...& you feel alone. Well the one person I confide in disappeared on me... Now I cry alone.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November is never the same

For many of you, November is a great time. It is a time to celebrate family. Thanksgiving is around the corner. Time to celebrate.

Well for many of you who have known me since childhood, November has not been that kind of month for me. You see I lost my mom 33 yrs ago this week. And to make it even more heart turning...I lost my dad 8 years ago this week.

I learned to cope w/it. But what made it a little easier dealing w/the loss of my mother was having my dad call me & just talk to me. You see he never use to through those ridiculous cliches at me about death when it came to my loss like..time heals all wounds or it will get easier to cope with. (NOTE TO ALL:DON'T TELL PEOPLE THIS WHEN THEY LOSE SOMEONE BECAUSE IT ISN'T TRUE)

The first Thanksgiving I had after mommy died, to many was so pitiful. But to Me at 9 was a treat. You see people were in our house everyday...& I needed air...So my dad & I went to the diner on Kingsbridge & Jerome Ave in the Bronx & had Thanksgiving dinner. & I really enjoyed it.

As I got older, especially after my dad died..I became a workaholic...Just so I can not wollow in the grief because the one person who would understand my loss was my dad & he was gone too. Having no siblings wasn't really an issue for me except when it came to this. Because I have had to handle the grief literally by myself. Yes family & friends say they understand.. But honestly, there is no constellation for a 9 year old girl losing her mother. I begrudgingly get through this week..I ask of you all to have some patience with me. don't take it personally if I am not as cheerful, or answering posts timely like I normally do.

This week is just a rough week...& I need to get thru it the way I need to get thru way.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I was very trusting as a child.
I wanted people to like me.
I wanted a friend.
But the people who I put my trust in,
always seemed to let me down.

Now I am grown,
& I thought things were different.
I learned in the last 6 months
that all that was bullshit.

I just want you to know,
That I am watching you.
I know what you doing.
I know what you are saying
I know you think that everything you are doing
is all secret.

Don't you see I keep my friends close
and my enemies closer.
So watch your back
cuz I don't trust you.

Monday, November 08, 2010

changes for 2Faced

Well the book 2 Faced was a stuggle from day one. My plan was before producing the second book, was to go w/ a different publishing company. I was hoping that by the time I was ready to publish this book, I would have located an agent & a new company....but that was not the case.

I realized I had to self-publish yet again... And the company had upped their prices & upgraded not really to our benefits as the publishers & writers. I also had editting delays and las but not least, computer issues...I felt like the devil literally didn't want this second book to be made.

Also purchasing had gone down on art & book buying as well. The price for the first book was a price I couldn't see charging again...But I could not produce the same size for the cost of the last one...So that being cut cost 30% I had to cut the size of the book 30% as well.

What was not cut was the content, integrity & quality of the poems. I was not going to skimp of that. NO WAY NO HOW....

I want to thank you all who have been very loyal & supportive of all the art & poetry things I do. Especially those who have consistently kept your word. I apologize for being delayed on this...My Oct 26th deadline was not met , & I should have made every attempt to make that happen.

Thank you for standing by me thru this.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Pre-order 2 Faced

Pre-order the book for $20.00(plus shipping) by Nov. 10
(online price$25)